Successful athletes are accustomed to working through tough situations and know that energy is needed not just on game day, but in the countless hours leading up to it. They may not always be the best in their field, but a background in athletics reveals the finely-honed soft skills that are important to any company. Here are just a few:
ADAPTABLE – adjust their focus to ensure their skills help the team in the best possible way.
TEAM PLAYERS – know the value of teamwork and can get the best from each other in challenging times.
HUMBLE – acknowledges the contribution of others. No athlete accomplishes anything alone.
LEADERS – understand what it takes to be a leader and help others achieve their goals.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE – ability to control their emotions and create peak performance on demand.
TOUGH – respond from setbacks. They take failures & learn from experience.
ENDURANCE – have the ability to create a plan, stick with it and keep their eye on the goal